Drummer Super Store Reviews Complaints Customer Surveys - Recording Studio Clarksville IN

Drummer Super Store

American Society of Recording Studios

Consumer Reviews and Business Report

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Drummer Super Store

Drummer Super Store

Phone: (812) 949-3004

Address: 307 E Lewis And Clark Pkwy
Clarksville IN 47129

The American Society of Recording Studios (ASORS.ORG) is a private organization dedicated to third-party business verification of recording industry professionals. We provide a free platform for consumers to verify business information and voice their experiences with local recording studios.


Drummer Super Store is Not verified by the American Society of Recording Studios We ensure consumer safety through verified information. For more details, please refer to our reviews.

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If you have had a positive experience with Drummer Super Store, please use the green "Submit a Positive Review" button below to submit a review about Drummer Super Store.

Any positive reviews previously submitted about Drummer Super Store will appear here.

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Positive Review

Filed by Dylan Thompson May 5, 2022

Upon first glance at the store they appeared to be only guitars and specifically, drums. Lots of drums. More drums than anybody in the tri-state area (Kentuckiana) With that said, they had a fair amount of microphones and a few interfaces and accessories but no midi controllers. I got to talking with the manager of the store I believe his name was brad - he opened my world up to things I didn't even know about. Even though some items were not in stock he offered to get them for me and match the internet price across the board. Some things he was very transparent about, which I appreciated - he did not try to 'sell' me something he had, he was honest and seemed like he has been doing this a very long time (I think he said he has worked there over 10 years). He did throw in his little 'hey check me out' regarding his music but that was because I was talking to him in reference to a specific genre of hip-hop, one that ironically he has contributed too over the years. The owner came in about midway through our conversation and basically shut us down which was rude in my opinion - but I guess I understand.. talking about gear doesn't pay the light bills. Brad was kind and respectful and told me if I had any questions or concerns (even if not buying from him) that I knew where I could find him at. If service like his was more common these days, all the music stores in every city might not be going out of business. That's just my two cents though,. 

Drummer Super Store ASORS Customer Reviews Score: 105

The business, Drummer Super Store, has Not applied for third-party review by ASORS.

The limited information available about Drummer Super Store is listed here, including any reviews or complaints.

Due to lack of response from the business management, we are unable to properly evaluate this business and we are forced to provide our default safety score of 2.


Drummer Super Store
Website Security Scan Results

Drummer Super Store

This company's website has not been checked for malware and the ASORS has not performed any scans for security breaches or viruses.


Drummer Super Store - Clarksville IN

Drummer Super Store holds a valid license in Clarksville IN and they are fully compliant with all operational requirements Please note that this status is subject to change at any moment. If you have any doubts, kindly request a copy of their latest business license.

The information contained in the report may be inaccurate or outdated and no information contained in this report should be treated as fact as we are unable to verify information on a daily basis.

The company's last known address was
307 E Lewis And Clark Pkwy Clarksville IN

Information provided about the background and services of this company are offered as a courtesy only and the information has not been verified.

ASORS assumes no liability for accuracy of this information. We urge you to verify all information information. Reviews are left by third parties.